Sunday, August 26, 2007

8 Facts list!!!

Tagged by swarwar :)

to Post 8 facts about me that you don't know and then tag 8 people!!

it is hard for me to write this list cuz I'm not that interesting person :P
but I managed to pull out 8 things that I think could be interesting!!

1. My age in paper is 2 years more than my real age!!

2. I did some stupid ass photo shoot last summer "nude"... pls dont ask why :)

3. I cant sleep in a room if the door can wake me up by let it open..I
dont know I'll wake up even if you didnt make any noise!!??

4. last year in high school I was playing football on friday that was 2morrow is math final exam!!!

5. I had my first kiss when I was 14!! ;)

6. I have a thing for blending... I blend anything together just for the heck of it!!

7. I went to bartending school for 2 weeks...I'm not that much of drinker :)

8. I had full body sun burns cuz I slept on the beach last took me 3 months to recover!!!


tagging other??!! sorry but I dont know that much new bloggers so whoever not got tagged pls listen to me YOU BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN TAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGEEEEDDDD!!!


SwaRwaR said...

intersting facts walla
looooooooooooool mashalla how could u play on that friday ?
that friday when i waz n the last year in high school waz the worst friday in my life !! looool

Nouph said...

nude photo shoot? wa 5ezyah bs :P

ITACHI said...

the next day was my worst day ever!! but thanx to my math techer who hooked me up!!

I know you wanna copy :P

Pearls said...

1 - LOL LAISH??!:P

2- oh my... :P

3- yeah me 2.. just not as freaky as u tho :P

4-3adii i did that with a volleyball game oo kan 3indi final the next day :P actually it was a tournament ;p

5-so no sweet 16 for u huh ? :P

6-nice.. try burning stuff now thats cool ;p

7-good :P

8-lool ;p salamat!

reaaaaaaaaaaally interesting facts! :P